2 years ago, I wrote a blog post about writing. Or rather, how not to write. How, when writing, I’d do anything else than the actual writing.
December 27, 2024
Writing about Writing Part 2
April 30, 2024
Medium.com: Goodbye for Now
So I have decided to stop posting on Medium.com. Mostly due to lack of time, I gave up. In spite of that, I have posted a total of 81 articles. 14 Articles and 67 Poems.
In one year, I made a total of $1.76. Is this more than my expectations? Yes, it is a lot more. I was expecting zero. But I got more than zero. So, success, yay! 🎉🍾 💰
But all in all, it's not worth it for me. My focus would rather be on Paranormalis and this blog. I have the feeling that with the same amount of time, I can add a lot more value to Paranormalis by being a part of the discussion and implementation of new features. The same is true with this blog and other projects I am working on. They add more value and are more rewarding than just posting to Medium.
Don't get me wrong. Medium is a great platform for great content. It's a great product.
But considering how I'm getting very few views on Medium and very few views on my blog... Well, I'd rather spend time on my blog.
Maybe I'll get back to it someday. To be continued...
See ya!
August 17, 2023
Quick Blog Update
As you might have noticed, I'm no longer posting as much as before. It's not because I don't like this blog. I love it and I love Blogger. I just don't have that many things to share, and I'm aware it's never going to reach a wider audience. It's my tiny blog and always has been.
Nowadays, I tend to post on my primary website, Paranormalis.com. There, I reach a larger audience. People that I actually know and interact with. It feels more rewarding and creates more value than posting things here, in a vacuum.
I also started posting on Medium.com as a personal experiment, to see if the kind of articles I write can generate revenue. It's an exciting adventure, but I'm not very consistent. Still, I'm trying to push forward and keep the ball rolling. I must have made about $0.50 up to now. More than zero...
So, here are a couple of links where to find me.
Paranormalis | The Paranormal and Time Travel Forum
Num7 - Medium
I'll certainly keep posting here once in a while. Not just right now, or on a regular basis.
See you around!
April 28, 2022
Wasting Your Time on the Internet in 2005
Restoring long-lost content on Paranormalis using the Chronovisor technique really brings me back to those days I’d spend, fooling around on the Internet, so many years ago. Basically, wasting my time, you know...
Here’s one of those threads: https://paranormalis.com/threads/manhattan-island-abduction.19078/
It feels like we’re back in 2005 all over again, right?
What was I doing on the Internet back in the day? Well, I wasn’t doing much, most of the time. Youtube wasn’t around yet. I don’t think we had high-speed Internet yet. You couldn’t plug yourself on Netflix and spend the whole day watching series after series.
April 16, 2022
Writing About Writing
I like writing. I often find myself fooling around in Evernote, Dropbox Paper, or Google Docs, trying to figure out which one of these editors offers the best environment for a writer. That doesn’t make me a writer, though. But apparently, it sort of makes me feel like one day, I could be one.
When attempting to write something, I always get distracted by little details, like the font and font size. Should I use Lato 12? It’s a nice font with good readability. Perhaps Garamond? It’s way more formal and serious but the characters are a little thinner. Isn’t it the font dictionaries are written in? Is my line spacing okay? Would 1.1 be better than 1? Is my Heading 2 big enough? Oh well…
August 21, 2021
On Passion Projects | So Many Things, So Little Time
Do you have a passion project?
Paranormalis is one of my passion projects. I often wish I'd spent more time on it. But what time?
I have several dream projects I'll very likely never do. I'd like to develop and release a game of my own. Compose music for something that gets recognition. Write something, a book, or an ebook. Become a streamer, have a YouTube channel, be a YouTube personality and live off of it. Get better at home improvement. Start my own business online and earn passive revenues, no more 8-to-5 jobs. Wow, that list goes on and on.
But... What am I doing? I feel I don't have any time to do anything... what am I supposed to do?
Why do I prefer to sit on my ass, instead of actively working on something? Inertia? When my workday is over and I'm done doing regular day-to-day stuff... I'm tired and it's almost time to go to bed. And I don't even have kids! What's my problem!?
The examples I gave above take so much time and commitment, I'd hardly even know where to begin if I was to tackle one of them.
I thought of starting a podcast once. At some point, I noticed how much work it would be and instantly knew I wouldn't be able to commit to it. Do 1, 2, or 3 episodes? Probably. Keep going on a regular schedule? Certainly not.
Am I the only one to feel this way? What are your passion projects, and where and how do you find time for them?
May 26, 2018
Bilingual Blogging?
March 7, 2018
How to Post A "Status Update" on Blogger

- Create a new post with no title.
- In the post’s content, write your status update as a heading.
- Set your post’s category as “Status Update”
- Post it!
March 21, 2017
Why I Switched Back From WordPress to Blogger

February 8, 2017
Dropbox Paper: When Less Is More
November 15, 2016
Now That TwitterFeed Has Shut Down…
We’re writing to let you know that Twitterfeed will be shutting its doors on October 31st, 2016. It’s been one heck of a run and we can’t thank you enough for your loyal usage and support over the years.
Although they recommended in their email announcement to move to either Buffer or dlvr.it, I didn’t like the idea of moving from a free service to a paid one…
From what I can see, the best 100% free alternative to TwitterFeed is IFTTT. I’m able to achieve the same results with ease and it works great every time.
See you over at IFTTT.
April 5, 2016
Here Is Why Focus Is The Key To Successful Niche Blogging
Let’s get straight to it!
March 9, 2016
MadAdsMedia Review: CPM Ads Network

Their minimum requirements are reasonable: 10,000 page views per day. They're looking for well designed sites with friendly content. They're a pretty good fit for medium to big sized websites that seek to generate passive revenues.November 25, 2015
50 Vintage Web Ad Banners
VC&G | 50 Vintage Web Ads
Time sure flies! Back then we didn't have fancy ad-blockers or anything. It was quite normal to have such ugly flashing banners all around the pages we were visiting. Good old days!
October 7, 2015
Dealing With iOS9 Ad Blockers on Your Ad Sponsored Blog
A new release of iOS always brings in new features and its share of troubles and this time it hasn't been any different. Since the iOS 9 release date on the 16th of September, Apple made available its content blocker API to developers. This brought out a deluge of ad blocker apps on the App Store, with some topping the charts within moments of release. This may be a welcome addition to many people, but something that many miss is how this hurts those sites and blogs that rely on advertising revenue to pay for their hosting fees.Read more:
So I got to thinking about how to deal with this. I've seen comments stating that content providers should just suck it up and find alternative ways of generating revenue. I'm sorry, but this is the kind of argument that a zealot preacher would sermonise - all talk about how it should be without solid examples or direction about the 'better ways'. I would argue that for a casual blog, ads are the only real viable source of revenue.
Unfortunately there is no easy way to deal with this situation. The only thing I could come up with was to appeal the the readers' sense of decency by supplying a message when an ad does not load.
Dealing with iOS9 ad blockers on your ad sponsored blog
June 9, 2015
Web Fonts for Your Blog: Open Sans vs Lato
Open Sans vs Lato : A head to head Comparison
May 25, 2015
How to Create Great Content
April 26, 2015
Blog Activity Graph for FlatPress

Click the link bellow to check it out:
Blog activity graph for FlatPress
February 27, 2015
New Official FlatPress Style: Leggero v2
I present you, Leggero v2!
Some quick details about it:
- It's 100% responsive
- It works properly with Internet Explorer, as well as with any modern web browsers
- It uses web fonts with shadows, has a transparent sidebar and a fixed background image
- It looks modern and actual, while still having the "FlatPress / Leggero" feel it should have