July 25, 2014

Content is King

When I take an overall look at my personal Internet browsing habits, I notice that like most people, I visit a certain number of websites every now and then. Why are these websites in my bookmarks? How did I become at some point a regular visitor? The answer is simple: Content.

Nowadays, it’s not that hard to give yourself some visibility on the Internet and have people visit your website. But will these new visitors remember you and return? If you don’t serve them quality content on a regular basis, you can be sure they won’t. Forums, blogs, most websites are subject to this golden rule of the Internet.

July 24, 2014

Error 193: 0xc1 Service fails to start

Ever encountered this error on a Windows server?
Error 193: 0xc1 Service fails to start

It’s pretty easy to fix things up and get that service to run properly as usual.

You’re going to look at the service’s executable path and check all the concerned folders. Make sure none of those folders contain a file with the same name as the first word of the next folder. When a service is launched, it’ll likely fail to start if a file with the same name as the first word of a folder name happens to be there.

For example: A file named “program” in your C: drive.

If such a file exists, delete it and try starting the service again. I bet it’ll start this time!

June 20, 2014

40 days without a post

Oh boy… Here we are again.

When you aim at developing a website, be it a blog or a forum, what’s one of the golden rules you need to pay attention to? Post new content on a regular basis. Yep, that’s exactly what I’m not doing these days.

Visitors will obviously find your site for its current and old content that’s nothing new. But if you ever want to have regular visitors, you got to always come up with new articles, new stuff to keep them interested and engaged. Otherwise, those possible regulars are going to notice pretty quickly that your website isn’t actually that active and they’ll go somewhere else to get whatever fresh stuff they’re looking for. And you don’t want that to happen, right?

To be continued…!

May 4, 2014

MailChimp: Send Better Email

I tried this service today for one of my communities: MailChimp

Text-only newsletters are a thing of the past. MailChimp provides you with the necessary tools to create your own customized and professional looking newsletters in no time. It completely manages your subscribers lists, automatically eliminates invalid addresses and so much more. You even have a dashboard to actually know how your newsletters performed. It really does a great job. Creating and managing a newsletter campaign has never been so easy.

If you have less than 2000 people in your subscribers lists, MailChimp is completely free. Impressive.

Thanks to MailChimp, I’m never going to send out a cheap text-only newsletter again. We’re no longer in 1999 right?

March 13, 2014

Back on Ubuntu

I thought I could wait until April 17th, the day they’ll release Ubuntu 14.04, before switching back to Ubuntu, but the call of open source was too strong.

I decided to reload my system with Ubuntu Gnome 13.10, a Gnome flavoured Ubuntu right away. Although I never used it very much since it was first introduced, I’ve never been a big fan of Unity. It feels modern and sweet until you try Gnome 3. Everything Unity does, Gnome 3 does it even better. More accessible, faster, looks and feels better. It delivers for sure. That’s why I’m not using vanilla Ubuntu this time.

Oh and… no Wine please!